Innovations for Life

The name eZono stands for “easy” and “sonography”. Since the inception of the company in 2005 eZono’s quest has been to make the use of ultrasound technology simpler. Everywhere the user finds a problem we seek an opportunity for innovation to clear that problem.

The eZono AG was founded to convert ideas into new products in the field of medical ultrasound guided procedures for medical use. Our international team develops and realizes continuously new products, use cases and technologies, because we are never running out of ideas – the same as our customers.

Benefit from our developer gene!

We work as developer, OEM/ODM supplier as well as under our own label.

Needle Guidance Technology

Identify the correct needle trajectory, prior to puncturing the patient and maintain the chosen route to the target anatomy – in real time.


Step by step education to translate 2D and 3D anatomical knowledge into sonoanatomy

Realistic training experience of every imaginable procedure